Plot Summary:
In the year 2130 — after World War III — large contaminated areas known as Black Spots (sites of bombing) pockmarked the landmasses. One such area, devastating the centre of Tokyo, was quarantined off by large walls. Years after the war inhabitants deemed to be "unneeded" started to populate the wasteland. But among the survivors came forth those who defined themselves by their supernatural abilities — fire, wind, water, gravity, speed, strength, etc. Fearful of their powers, those in power sought to manipulate and hunt down these Needless.
TV Series, 24 episodes
1920x1080 / FLAC
1280x720 / AC-3
ANBU (EP 1-3), Ayako-Himatsubushi (EP 4-24), Doutei (SP 1-12)
Torrent ~ FileServe
Torrent ~ FileServe
Awesome, glad someone is finally doing Needless blurays. Thanks!
Eh, crf=16.5 for 720p not enough... Banding there, there and... yeah, here too.
it's just apparent on 2 OP scenes and crf15 doesn't fix it too. i'll fix them along with vol2.
When will other be realese ?
probably too late to say this but theres no banding the culprit is most likely your decoder or video renderer (output) use madVR.
and yes i will try to complete this, once i over come my laziness and free time from work.
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